Painting grey cloth - the cape of a Chaos Warrior

This tutorial is only part of a guide covering the painting process of a Chaos Warrior: Tutorial intro.

1. Basecoat of Codex Grey applied to the cape:

2. The cape is shaded using a mixed wash of Purple ink, Chestnut ink, and Chaos Black.
The wash was thinned with water:

3. 1st highlight with Codex Grey leaving only shading in the deep folds of the cape:

4. 2nd highlight with Bleached bone added to Codex Grey.
I find that the use of Bleached Bone gives a more subtle and interesting hue of grey than by using Skull White:

5. 3rd and final highlight is done by adding more Bleached Bone to the mix and just "edging" the cape with the brush:

The cape as in step 5, but with the rest of the back painted:

See the remaining stages of the tutorial.
See the finished model.

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